Unveiling the Truth beyond the Curve.

Tired of the lies? Ready to open your eyes to the truth?

Flat Earth Live

For centuries, we've been fed the globe earth deception. But a growing community of truth-seekers have dared to question the narrative and uncover the evidence that the Earth is, in fact, flat.

Uncover the truth about the size and movement of the sun and moon, and how they operate within the flat earth model.

The sun and moon: local luminaries

Flat Earth Proofs Unveiled

This comprehensive platform delves deep into the hidden truths, exposing the flaws of the globe model and presenting compelling evidence for the flat earth, such as:

The impossibility of gravity

The "force" of gravity is a mere theory with countless inconsistencies.

The globe model relies on the concept of gravity to explain why objects are pulled towards the center of the Earth. However, gravity is merely a theory that has never been proven. The flat earth model, on the other hand, offers a more logical explanation for why objects fall downwards.

The "force" of gravity is a mere theory with countless inconsistencies.

Water finds its level

The natural behavior of water contradicts the globe model.

One of the most compelling proofs of a flat earth is the behavior of water. Water always seeks its own level, which is impossible on a globe. The flat earth model explains this phenomenon perfectly, as water naturally settles into a flat surface.

The natural behavior of water contradicts the globe model.

The horizon always rises to eye level

Understand why this simple observation debunks the curvature of the Earth.

One of the simplest proofs of a flat earth is the fact that the horizon always rises to eye level, no matter how high you go. This observation is impossible on a globe, where the horizon should curve downwards as you ascend. The flat earth model perfectly explains this phenomenon.

Understand why this simple observation debunks the curvature of the Earth.

Discover the Truth!

Don't let them control your mind any longer. Awaken to the reality of the flat earth!

Let's Start

Hear from our members

Discover how Flat Earth Live has transformed the way they see the world.

    • I always felt something was off about the globe model, but I couldn't put my finger on it. This platform opened my eyes to the truth about our flat earth! It's a must-read for anyone seeking real answers.

      Sarah K.
      Sarah K.
    • The evidence presented in this platform is undeniable. I can't believe I was duped by the globe earth lie for so long! This is a game-changer.

      Emily R.
      Awakened Soul
      Emily R.
    • I've always been fascinated by the mysteries of our world, and Flat Earth Live has provided me with a wealth of knowledge and insights. It's a must-read for anyone curious about the truth behind the globe earth deception.

      Michael L.
      Michael L.
    • Flat Earth Live has completely changed my perspective on the world. I'm now able to see through the lies and deception of the mainstream narrative.

      David L.
      Questioning Everything
      David L.
    • This platform is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the flat earth. It's well-written, informative, and thought-provoking.

      John D.
      John D.
    • I highly recommend this platform to anyone who is open-minded and willing to challenge their beliefs. It's time to wake up to the reality of the flat earth!

      Jessica S.
      Free Spirit
      Jessica S.

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email our support team.

    • If the Earth is flat, why don't people fall off the edge?

      The Earth is not a disc floating in space with an edge. Instead, it's a vast plane, possibly extending infinitely, or perhaps enclosed by an ice wall (Antarctica) that prevents access to whatever lies beyond.

    • What about ships disappearing hull first over the horizon?

      This is due to perspective and the law of diminishing angular size. As objects move further away, they appear to shrink and eventually vanish below the horizon line, regardless of the Earth's shape.

    • How do you explain gravity then?

      The concept of gravity as a force pulling everything towards the center of a spherical Earth is flawed. Instead, the flat earth model proposes alternative explanations like density and buoyancy, where objects simply fall due to their relative density compared to the medium they are in (e.g., air or water).

    • What about photos of the Earth from space showing it as a globe?

      These images are either fabricated or manipulated using CGI technology and fisheye lenses to create the illusion of a curved Earth. Independent investigations have revealed inconsistencies and anomalies in these images, raising doubts about their authenticity.

    • How can the sun and moon be local luminaries if they appear to move across the sky?

      The sun and moon are much smaller and closer than we are told, and they move in circular paths above the flat earth plane. Their apparent movement is due to perspective and the rotation of the flat earth itself.

    • What about lunar eclipses? How are they possible on a flat earth?

      There are alternative explanations for lunar eclipses within the flat earth model, such as the existence of a "shadow object" that occasionally obscures the moon, or the moon having its own light source that can be temporarily dimmed.

    • Why is there a conspiracy to hide the flat earth?

      The reasons for the alleged conspiracy are complex and multifaceted, involving control, power, and financial interests. Keeping the population believing in a globe earth serves certain agendas related to space exploration, resource management, and maintaining the current power structures.

    • What evidence can I personally observe to confirm the flat earth?

      Observe the horizon, which always appears flat and rises to eye level, regardless of your altitude. Also, consider the behavior of water, which always finds its level and remains flat, contradicting the curvature of a globe.

    • Where can I learn more about the flat earth?

      Sign up for Flat Earth Live to access a wealth of resources. Join us in uncovering the reality of our flat earth!